* Decorates a class with serialization metadata, required when deserializing it.
* @memberOf module:tanagra-core
* @function serializable
* @param clazz Class to decorate with serialization metadata.
* @param nestedClazzes Referenced classes. (Note that the library traverses this list recursively, so there's no need
* to list all classes recursively.)
* @param previousVersions Lists of referenced classes for previous versions of this class (an array of arrays).
* @param customSerializationKey By default, when the class is serialized, it is keyed on its name; this default can
* be overridden by setting this parameter.
* @example
* const serializable = require('tanagra-core').serializable
* class Foo {
* constructor(string, bar) {
* this.string = string // a primitive type - no need to specify it as a dependency
* this.bar = bar
* }
* }
* module.exports = serializable(Foo, [Bar])
* // ...
* const serializable = require('tanagra-core').serializable
* class Bar {
* constructor(number, baz, fooBar) {
* this.number = number // another primitive
* this.baz = baz
* this.fooBar = fooBar
* }
* }
* module.exports = serializable(Bar, [Baz, FooBar], [
* // referenced types for previous versions of Bar
* [Baz3, FooBar],
* [Baz2],
* [Baz1]
* ])
* // ...
* module.exports = require('tanagra-core').serializable(class Baz1 { })
* // etc.
module.exports = function(clazz, nestedClazzes = [], previousVersions = [], customSerializationKey) {
const allVersions = nestedClazzes.concat(previousVersions.flatMap(ver => ver))
const fieldTypes = new Map(allVersions.map(klass => [klass._serializationKey, klass]))
Reflect.defineProperty(clazz, '_fieldTypes', {
get: function _fieldTypes() { return fieldTypes },
configurable: true
const serializationKey = customSerializationKey || clazz.name
Reflect.defineProperty(clazz, '_serializationKey', {
get: function _serializationKey() { return serializationKey },
configurable: true
const ctorHandler = {
construct (target, args) {
const instance = new target(...args)
instance._serializationKey = serializationKey
return instance
return new Proxy(clazz, ctorHandler)